Colours of Mystery | Shrikant Kadam Solo
According to the parlance of contemporary art a visual does not always have a meaning. More often than not, the meaning crystallizes in the visual through the content-rich painting process of the artist and persists thereafter through the mutual interaction between the painter and the viewer. The visual meaning is endless since the visual is wrapped in the infinite vibrations of the optical system. When one is able to breach through the micro unit time between two consecutive vibrations his consciousness receives eloquent signals and they all determine the identity, age and dynamic impact of the painting. It is an artist’s constant endeavour to extricate colour from its bondage to the content of the painting and award it new glory of expression and a dimension of wordless communication. And when, at an unknown moment a chemical element permeates his sensory awareness it belongs to him as much as it does to the perceptive viewer. The concerned chemical element too, as if awaits the two. A painting in fact never attains fulfilment without their union. This is as if a union of joy with gratification. And Shrikant Kadam has been successful at forging this union. This is what enables him to guide us into his befitting world of abstraction.
What a marvel are the colours! They acquaint us with the artist’s disposition, conviction, determination, purposeless purpose and emotion inviting aesthetic distortion, his fascination for the avant garde and his courage in cherishing the new in the old. Shrikant Kadam’s paintings in fact, belong to a genre in which the viewer’s questions themselves are impregnated with answers. They pave the way not only for the direct brilliant light but for diligent darkness as well. Congratulations to Shrikant Kadam for displaying his paintings through this exhibition.
Dr. Prabhakar Kolte